Veneers can help to correct stained, chipped and darkened teeth by covering the whole front-facing surface of the tooth. They are generally for aesthetic appeal, and do not normally provide extra strength to the tooth, however, each tooth is different and in some cases, extra material can be used to provide extra protection.
A direct veneer is fashioned by the dentist in-chair in one visit using composite resin material, similar to that used for normal fillings. The tooth is prepared and the composite resin is then applied, moulded and shaped to the desired finish. Direct veneers are a cheaper option, however, are vunerable to staining and wear.
An indirect veneer is completed over two appointments and enlists the use of a laboratory to create your veneer(s) custom to you. Indirect veneers are typically made out of porcelain and – although more expensive than direct veneers – are of higher resistance to cracking, chipping, wear and staining. The first visit involves preparation of the tooth/teeth and taking impressions to send to the lab. The lab then manufactures the veneer(s) using high-quality materials and expertise of tooth anatomy, creating a beautiful porcelain veneer. In-between the first and second visit, you will have temporary veneers cemented to the prepared tooth/teeth. In the second visit, the veneer is cemented to the prepared tooth and checked for fit and dimension.
Frank Dental at Frankston
Address: 21 Davey Street
Frankston, 3199
Phone: (03) 9783 4485
dentist Frankston